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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

i've been home. :) mse nk balik tu muke jgn ckp la kn. senyum rse mcm nk koyak je bibir tu. srunuk seyh nk balik.
bukanlah x best duk kt kolej tu. tapi biasala kan. hidup. ade ups n downs nye.
aku ni bkn la kuat sgt.
what would you feel when u woke up one morning n u found u r alone in your room?
utk kali pertama,tertidur. yes boleh diterima.
kali kedua,online smpai lewat mlm,masih lg bleh trima.
kali ketiga? biar je la hanis. ko tu sape sgt je kn? 
that's what i told myself.
they have their own specific reason..
but me,im a human being. cant help from terasa.
bak kata kak nad ( senior kt kolej) 
" xpela. hanis kena jadi matang. pkir positif. "
tu yang aku wt. cuba jadi matang,jadi a new hanis hanini yg bleh bertolak ansur. 
yang tak mudah nk melatah when it comes to this kind of thing.
but sori.
im a human being. a normal one. cant help,cant resist. i do hurt. so much.
tp ingat balik cakap ma n ba.
"kakak kt situ bukannya lama lg. ignore je yg mana patut. "
sbb aku xnak hilang kawan aku still lg tahan ngan muka kayu. cuba deny segala apa yg aku feel.
ya ALLAH,need help! need my strength.

im sori. kalau aku ade salah. tau aku byk prangai gak. sori.

Friday, January 7, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

apakah seketul benda yg bernma TESL ini? it is d shortform for Teaching English as the Second Language. uh. mmg aku aim utk tu my whole life. kt matrik ada muet. thought aku bleh band high. skali yg dpt x mcm yg di dream of. sedih!

result muet dh dpt. n result aku xlah mcm yg aku harapkan. sedih lg. ma n ba pn frust. sedih lg. td mse g amek result pn aku nangis. sedih lg. ups tinggal lg sepelaung. math entah kemana bio entah kemana chemy lg la,hilang jejak terus. sedih lg.comot dh puas pujuk. deep  in me,i still cant accept it. aku frust utk 2nd time. sedih lg.

comot said start tgk jalan lain. do not only aim for tesl. he's right. totally right in fact. aku sedih lg.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

its 2011. a new year. new azam? hmm.. maybe no. azam yg tahun lepas tu berdozen lg x tercapai. tahun lepas left a lot to my mind. tahun yg agak hard bg NUR HANIS HANINI ZULKIFLI. but its also a year full of blessings. i got to know lots of people that give me brand new hope to dis life.

tp last year gak witnessed aku lost people yg aku love. may ALLAH bless all of them. losing is hurt. tp ajar aku byk benda. 

now dh januari. another a week before aku pnye UPS which is sgt important utk aku. haish! bleh ke nk score? matah bapak susah! kimia mcm nk bunuh org je. bio saje mcm xnk kasi org blaja, asal smua susah? bak kte  ba " kalau smua benda kt dunia mudah n senang,xdenye org nk blaja. apa tujuan blaja kalau benda tu senang? " tu dia! when d lawyer in him start talking. luv it! 

lg tida bulan n im going to leave dis college. pergh! hard! i juz love dis place. sy akan rind pilah. btol! bak kte comot : sungguh x tipu. :)

comot? hmm..i'm falling for him! lot more of coz! :) rindu dia. sgt2. i have him. love him too!
assalamualaikum wbt.

rse nye dh lme aku tinggal world blogging ni. bkn xnk tp time tu yg x izinkan aku wt gitu. byk yg happened lately. sgt banyak in fact. n alhamdulillah,aku masih lg standing facin all d thing that come to my way. second sem utk my matriculation pn dh start. result utk 1st sem pn dh tau. let juz say : alhamdulillah. ALLAH masih bg aku chance utk stay kt pilah ni utk keep on purchasing my dreams. thanks!

study second sem got makin susah. ALLAH knows. bt thanks to al d people yg ade ngan aku now yg kasi strength for me. 

comot pn dh dpt result. which is sgt bagus utk die. kan aku dh kte die bleh score pnye. haaa. next time dengar tau pe yg org ckp ni. me = right. tau?