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Monday, October 25, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

tonite is d last nite in KMNS.

agak menyedihkan bile mengenangkan aku bakal meninggalkan katil yang terchenta bersama mr. choco bucuk2. yela. xkan aku nk usung wt balik mr.choco tu. mau kne brainwash ngan ma sampai aku lupa mr. choco tu. aritu masa balik cuti raya aku angkut benda alah tu pn ma dah bebel panjang. ba cool je. eheeeeeeee.

ari ni 1st paper for my inche cupid. hmm. it doesnt went well i think. adus sayang. sabar yer. jgn hot2. sy tau u've worked so hard for dat n i think i know how u feel now. tp sabar. i know,ALLAH's with you.

tadi masa cakap dia aku cukup takut. tp wt biasa je la. *konon ko kan hanis hanini? padahal suara nk kluar ngan tak tu sme banyak je* eheeeeeee. takut seh. cmne ag aku nk xplain. dari dlu smpai now mmg aku takut dengar suara dia yg macam tu. sayang saya,xnk awk wt suara mcm tu kt saya.

ok. so everything doesnt went well. ciyan sayang aku. xpe sayang,saya tau u can do it.

p/s : jgn hot sayang. x ensem. luv u! 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

im goin home.
means aku still gotta few days before i go home.
wait for me.
i feel like flyin now.
cant wait to see you.
adik2ku terchenta,
i juz miss u guys so much.
mr. cupid,
sy mmg dh x sabar nk jumpa awk.
nk tgk awk smile kt sy.

before aku balik ada satu lg paper.
BIOLOGY paper 1.
doakan yg terbaik sj utk paper kali ni.
moga aku dpt jwb.

td kol ma.
rindu ma sgt2.
tp rsenye aku silap timing.
im sorry.
i shud be with u at dis moment.
i shud've stay by ur side n listen to ur stories.
i shud've wipe all ur tears.
but i cant do dat.
im too far away.
help me.
help me.
help ma.
make her strong.
dun make her cried.
sooth her feeling.
put a smile on her face.
dun let she feels a single scratch dat can hurt her.

p/s : ma. i do love you. so much. 

Friday, October 22, 2010


While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it

My feet have been on the floor
Flat like an idle singer
Remember winger
I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life

But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me

If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me

Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face

You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again

When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you

If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever

If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me

p/s : its 4 u papabear. luv dis song.
assalamualaikum wbt.

aku merajinkan diri utk meng update kan blog.
sbb mr. cupid dh tnye.

"x update blog ke chubby?"

bkn xnk tp MALAS.
*sengal. orang blogging die pn nk blogging gak tp time update xdenye nk wt.*
sori syg.
now sy dh update dh.
orait kn?

minggu ni minggu exam.
well,mestila hectic mcm biasa kn?
jadual exam :


cun kn?
BI tu mmg ktorng x kesah.
sbb x masuk pngk.
tp yg ktorg kesah are those 3 ketul subjek tu.
sape la yg wt soalan tu?
*penggubal soalan,tau x susah? gler susah? faham x? cbe imagine anak awak yg jawab soalan tu?*
aku rse mau anak die sendiri terkangkang nk jawab soalan tu.

so hari ni end BIO paper 2.
agak senang.

ingat BIO made me think of someone.
my mr. cupid.

"tau x bio tu ape?"

heh,die plak tnye aku time aku ngadu gelabah nk amek paper tu.


he made me smile.
thanks sayang.
for being there for me.
*die jd aku pnye comforter time aku cuak nk exam.!*

p/s : I AM UR BIO.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

aku tgh sedih. atas..let me kira..dua tiga perkara.

1st thing.
FATIN ALWANI a.k.a my classmate left d college for SPA.
die bendahari klas kami.
spe yg nk jd anak aku yg paling matang dh?
kami dpt tau about she's leaving beberapa hours bfore dat.
miza nangis.mia nangis.ida nangis.wawa nangis.moon nangis.aisyah nangis.smua nangis.
aku mmg la. NANGIS.
aku akan always ingat kau wani.
aku doakan yag terbaik utk ko.
smoga ALLAH SWT sentiasa merahmati ko.
jgn lupa aku tau wani.
aku sayang ko.

2nd thing.
PSPM's comin.
aku rse mcm satu benda pn aku x redi lg.
ma dh kasi nasihat yg menggunung.
ba pn sama.
"kakak bleh wt."
ayat tu x lepas dari mulut ba.
smoga ALLAH makbulkan doa ba tu.
bless me,
guide me,
help me.

3rd thing.
aku rse yg ni yg wt aku rse truk.
can u imagine dat?
no talking to him for 1 week?
how can dis happen?
aku la yg gatal mulut gtau xleh nk contact.
konon xnk tpup.
last die ckp 
"kte rest ye. sbb sy pn nk exam."
rse mcm nk nangis time tu gak.
xkn aku nk ckp
"no! kte xleh lost contact!"
kcian die.
syg aku pn nk focus on study.
so aku pn konon2 stuju.
tu dia.
at last aku yg nonong kluar bilik.
blom pape aku dh pk plik2.
ciap ckap kt die.
"awk jgn sangkut ngan sape2.awk sangkut,sy sangkut awk."
kejam kn hanis hanini?
well,im juz being protective of what is mine n
so ended up aku wt agreement rest 4 a week.
no more no less.
die lupe aku x agak2?
sounds like i cant do it.
no talkin to him is like im loosing my diary.
a week.
a week hanis hanini.
can u deal with dis?
ni la padah klu dh spoilt mcm ni kn??
cmne ni? 
klu aku miss die sgt2 cmne?
spe yg nk kaco aku?

note to self :

nur hanis hanini,
its only for a week.
make dis as a motivation 4 u.
xpe la.
kasi dia rindu ko xtra ckit.
kn kn kn?

note to mr.cupid :

if u r reading dis,
let me let u know dat 
i miss you!
next time jgn spoilt sy mcm ni.
susah awk nti.
tp awk dh spoilt dh.
awk rindu sy x ni?
jgn sangkut ngan orang lain tau.
awk sy punye je.
sy pn awk punye je.
kn kn??

Monday, October 11, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

hari ni kami ade BIO FAIR. ahah! cuak tahap ultraman nk branak. bnda alah ni penting tau. dh la kne present. nyanyi lg. tp thank God. tang nyanyi tu serah kt ida baby. hah! siap ko miley pilah. nyanyi la kau. aku sokong ko baby! go go! :) aku? eheh. aku msti la....backup singer je. lalalalal. *at least nyanyi la gak kn?*

esok ade SPEAKING test for muet. ni satu lg yg wt aku rse noradrenalin aku makin byk dlm badan. aduh. ya ALLAH. tolong hamba Mu ya ALLAH. hope aku juz go on well. smalam,scra x sengaja aku TERmarah mr.cupid. cian die. he was tellin me bout d assignments he get but aku plak mbebel kt dia. sori syg. i juz want u to do well in your study. x nk nanti awk pening2 n health x terjaga klu keep on wt work without plan. x nk awk habiskan masa doin sonething else before awk siapkan kerja2 awk. nti klu health awk x terjaga awk may fall sick. when awk fall sick awk xleh fokus. cian awk nti. got me syg?

p/s: sori love. i meant well. i love you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

"awk bunga sy." hehe. aku suke ayat tu. ye syg,sy bunga awk. awk? sy punye la. hahaha. love you lor syg.

ehee. dh lawa dh la awk pnyer drawing tu. sy sukeeeeeeeeeee!!!

p/s: sy suka awk.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

assalamualaikum wbt.

now musim demam kn? musim org sakit. alhamdulillah. aku masih lagi dlm gud condition. except for maybe slightly sakit kepala plus hidung ala2 dh x leh nafas but nothing more than dat. alhamdulillah for givin me gud health ya ALLAH.

n talking bout sakit. mr.cupid. yup. my mr.cupid. die bkn dlm gud shape. asyik demam je. plus i dun think its an ordinary demam. risau lor. tp biasala. mr.cupid sy seorang degil. sgt degil in fact. bkn senang aku nk trust die dh makan ubat blom. kadang2 cian die. dh sungguh2 yakinkan aku tp aku bleh lg wt x caye. aduh hanis hanini. try to change a bit ok? *its not dat i dun trust u dear,i juz wanna make sure dat u really do take d pills n stay gud.*

smalam die kol ckp die xnk go wt check up. alasan :

"its my body. i know what's wrong with it. n nothing is wrong."

 waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..terbaek pnye alasan la. klu die kt depan aku mmg dh lme aku pijak2 kaki die tu. ada ke alasan mcm tu? its A BIG NO from me. tp biasalah kan. mne la pernah aku nk menang ngan dia. ok. fine. dia xnk wt check up kre promise ktorg terbatal la. n guess what ?

 "yela yela. sy p wt check up esok. tp ingat pe yg awk dh jnji ngan sy tau." suara die dh penuh pasrah dh.

yahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! *well,sometimes,aku menang gak ngan dia.* love you syg!

p/s : rindu dia.