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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

quater phase.

assalamualaikum wbt.

kali ni lari sikit track from that Hanoi thingy. well actually, i had already done with me first semester of foundation. mungkin not practically sebab aku cabut awal dua minggu from sana. tapi its that aku glad aku sempat spend banyak time dengan mereka mereka.

for all the teslian of TESL 1 June 2011 intake, u guys takkan tahu how glad i am to get to know u guys. even masa mula mula masuk aku rasa macam aku loser gila sebab aku lewat setahun kot masuk sini. u guys are like so great. korang adik adik yang baik ( for those yang bergelar adik adik ) and for those yg seangkatan dengan aku, hai fatin, dekna, intan, bie, kirin, nani, syitah and saifullah! thanks. for being such great comrade in arms. i know, sometimes, eh maksud aku most of the time aku bukan a good friend, aku got carried away by my feelings, aku jealous tak memasal la, perangai macam budak budak, haih, banyak la kan aku punya songeh tu. maaf maaf maaf. i can never survive without kamu kamu dan kamu here.

for the lecturers, u guys are the most awesome of all. miss nenny, u are like the most coolest one. mana ada aku pernah jumpa lecturer yang boleh sembang kencang pasal Lee Min Ho dalam kelas? kau ada? Miss Noraishah, u are the best. i've never met anyone like u. sungguh la aku respect dia. Madam Samiha, first time meeting u, i thought class would be a death march for me but when time passed by, your class was one of the best. Madam Sohaila, eh hai mak mertua! eh tak tak. jangan risau madam, saya takkan jadi madam punya menantu. tak takkk. takpelah madam. u are great madam. for other lecturers, Encik Zain, Puan Wan Faridah, Tuan Haji Fuad, Puan Hajah Salwa, thanks. thanks a lot for all the ilmu. ALLAH SWT will repay u guys. sorry for all the things we've said and done. u guys are the best. may ALLAH bless all of u and may anda semua di beri kekuatan untuk kuat mengajar kami setahun akan datang.

Bie , Hani, Fatin and Dekna.

half of the class.

aku duduk tak sopan. *facepalm*

adik adik sayang.

ini bukan buli. ini berkongsi kasih sayang.

bajet comel. 

their aksi.

again, its them.

kami ada matrik kad. kau ada?

eh eh. tersilap.

buka puasa.


semart kan kami? tahuuuuuu.

sempoi. tesl 1.

sayang korang :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

hanoi #4

assalamualaikum wbt.

last night we had a meeting. at la cafe if i'm not mistaken. so we walked there. all of uf except for natt for he had some judo practise and it seemed that he is so into it. so there, i met whole lots of Vietnamese new friend. Alex, the project leader gave of the briefing of the members and what are going to happen in this becoming seminar. one of my new friend, Hienn ( aku tak tahu macam mana nak eja) she sat beside me. mula mula tu macam cakap cakap biasala. but then she started to ask me about the hijab i was wearing. she even asked me to pakaikan untuk dia. aku dalam hati, " dah kenapa minah ni? aku buat gaya butterfly macam mana aku nak gayakan shawl macam tu?" haih. tapi actually dalam hati ada rasa bangga bila a non muslim was so very excited to know how to wear hijab. rasa nak nangis pun ada.

so i made a promise to her that i will bring her a hijab, same as the one i'm wearing so that she can have the same style as me an Iris. oh, talking about Iris, that is Intan's new name. people here had called her Intern instead of Intan so she decided to change her name so that her name wont be deteriorated. so after google it up for some time, she came up with a name : Iris. i love it. it sounds unique. as for me, i dont think i need to change my name. it is easier for them to pronounce my name except for maybe they will ask me twice about my name. well, it happens all the time.

this is where we were having the meeting.

dari kiri : Max, Martin, Shehan and Long.

this is the project we are working on.

after the meeting kami took some pictures. so that was the end of our meeting. after that we head up to King's Cafe to have our dinner. it was a small cafe but really nice food. me and Iris both ordered the fried chicken with lemon grass and red pepper. it was nice. i was so hungry i couldn't wait to take any picture. 

well, this is our meal for the night. okay. no nasi and ayam. it used to be on the plate before we ate it all. good day people! 

  • p/s : -gemuk, i'm waiting.
  • -trying to adapt.
  • -we should be proud of our own country. like seriously.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hanoi #3

assalamualaikum wbt.

the guys are back and so we are moving upstairs so that we wont share the room with them. there are 3 Sri Lanka guys, 2 Germany, 1 Holland , and 2 Philippines. so thee there is only 1 girls, Max from the Philippine. she is so nice. just now we had a walk to the lake which i dont know what the name is. me, intan, shehan and kanna also went to the nearest supermarket to buy our things. shehan and kanna were like our body guard and it was the first time for us to go out to have some view of Hanoi.

Hanoi is a VERY busy town. Town of Honking. well, that's what iris ( Intan's new name, we'll talk about that later) call this city. it is full with tourist, every where u go, u can see foreign people. and just now when we were walking we met a Malaysian family. a nice pakcik from johor bahru too. i feel like hugging the makcik so much but all i can do is like salam her. thats all. my actuall plan is like withdrawing some money because i'm getting broke here. well, life can be pathetic here. sobs.

so we ended up buying some water and titbits. thank god for Shehan and Kanna were there. they helped a lot. it is kind of excited to have new friends here, and of course Max the Philippine girl, she is so beautiful and she's just 18. :) it's good to have them around. we feel a lot more safer. :) so this is it for today. i mean half of the day. in the evening, we'll be having a meeting. so catch u later. :)

p/s :  1.they are all nice. very nice indeed. can be tough here. but as long as we are being cautious, it'll be fine. :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

hanoi #2

assalamualaikum wbt.

pagi yg cerah kini. eh maaf, ternyanyi pulak. okay. so ni hari kedua aku. eh dah takde kerja nk buat memang aku update je la kan? padan la muka. wifi dah jumpa. tu pun tanya shehan my other inter from sri lanka. well, he's not here sebab dia now at SAPA. dowh. jangan tanya mana sapa tu sebab aku pun tak tahu. so for today aku ingat nak stay kat bilik je la kot tapi tadi intan told me that Alex the project leader wants to see us this evening. iyolah iyolah.

semalam when first dapat wifi, first thing aku on is FB. tapi kecewa gila bila kat sini tak boleh access fb. hoi! apa negara ni? fb tu world wide kot. hailah. so aku terpaksa menggunakan khidmat my sweet little sister utk bgtau si gemuk bahawasanya aku tak boleh on fb. she did that. thanks a lot dear. and bila dia on skype and aku nampak muka dia, aku terus nangis. sumpah gila lega nampak dia walau bukan in person pun. sungguh tak tipu. depan intan pun aku main taram je nangis sungguh sungguh. sebab semalam rasa sgt hopeless and lonely. hai inche, terima kasih sebab appear when i need u  the most. susah hati tahu semalam?

hanoi #1

updating from vietnam. jangan tanya aku syok ke tak. kalau gila syok takdelah aku duk depan lappy tunggu sapa sapa online. ye dak? haih. okay okay. this is my choice so i should be happy with what i've chose. me and intan are now in an internship programme at vietnam. so utk kolej, i got two weeks early leave then others, well, agak happy sebab aku sempat lari ke alor star and spent few owesome days there. most of anak cucu tokmama in the same house at the same time except for cik mimi. tu je yg slack. then semalam aku sampai di vietnam ni.

the flight was 3 boring hours where aku dan intan slept along the way here. then tunggu 3 jam untuk jan datang amek kitorang then masuk minibus yang buat aku rasa nk muntah sebab dia drive sgt la tak convincing. asyik hon to others along the way from airport sampai la sampai hostel. scary gila. then bila masuk bilik, cari wifi pulak tak dapt. kami keluar utk have some u know, view about hanoi. cisss! sekali kena tipu bhai! a pineapple seller. a woman. dia tanya if aku nk buy ke tak nenas yg dia jual tu.i say no. but then she followed us and tiba tiba letak topi dia atas kepala aku. suruh amek gambar. okay. aku pun dengan bajet pelancongya, agreed to that and so did intan. at last kami kena paksa beli sebab dah amek gambar tdi. kesian intan lost her 200000 dong. cisss! dem gila makcik tu. aku rasa nak patah balik then baling dia dalam lake yg dekat tu. apa kau ingat aku bawak seguni ke duit dtg sini?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

happy eid all.

assalamualaikum wbt.

i dont know the wish is betul or not. but still, salam aidiladha buat semua. this time, i'm spending it at kedah. with makngah's family and tokmama and ayah su and ciksu and of course, si pengarang jantungku, wan muhammad hail. its so very special this year. spending it together with family member. well, its not so perfect as cik mimi is not with us but still, tokmama seems happy to have most of her children home. alhamdulillah for the chance ALLAH. may ALLAH bless us all. plus hari ni is ayahsu's birthday. bangga la tu birthday hari raya. and just now baru celebrate, muhammad mendahului keadaan bila dia smash the cake and cried when all of us laughed at him. maybe dia ingat kami semua marah dia. aduhai sayang. how can i get mad at you when u have that smile?

p/s : nanti bila aku kawen, aku nak anak aku semua duk jauh dari rumah. then aku nak tunggu dekat koridor hari dorang nak balik. baru feel. tgk tokmama sgt happy sambut anak cucu dia balik. :')

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

if leaving is the only way i have, i shall leave. showing sadness is not a good thing when the person who's very important to u smiles.