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Monday, November 14, 2011

hanoi #4

assalamualaikum wbt.

last night we had a meeting. at la cafe if i'm not mistaken. so we walked there. all of uf except for natt for he had some judo practise and it seemed that he is so into it. so there, i met whole lots of Vietnamese new friend. Alex, the project leader gave of the briefing of the members and what are going to happen in this becoming seminar. one of my new friend, Hienn ( aku tak tahu macam mana nak eja) she sat beside me. mula mula tu macam cakap cakap biasala. but then she started to ask me about the hijab i was wearing. she even asked me to pakaikan untuk dia. aku dalam hati, " dah kenapa minah ni? aku buat gaya butterfly macam mana aku nak gayakan shawl macam tu?" haih. tapi actually dalam hati ada rasa bangga bila a non muslim was so very excited to know how to wear hijab. rasa nak nangis pun ada.

so i made a promise to her that i will bring her a hijab, same as the one i'm wearing so that she can have the same style as me an Iris. oh, talking about Iris, that is Intan's new name. people here had called her Intern instead of Intan so she decided to change her name so that her name wont be deteriorated. so after google it up for some time, she came up with a name : Iris. i love it. it sounds unique. as for me, i dont think i need to change my name. it is easier for them to pronounce my name except for maybe they will ask me twice about my name. well, it happens all the time.

this is where we were having the meeting.

dari kiri : Max, Martin, Shehan and Long.

this is the project we are working on.

after the meeting kami took some pictures. so that was the end of our meeting. after that we head up to King's Cafe to have our dinner. it was a small cafe but really nice food. me and Iris both ordered the fried chicken with lemon grass and red pepper. it was nice. i was so hungry i couldn't wait to take any picture. 

well, this is our meal for the night. okay. no nasi and ayam. it used to be on the plate before we ate it all. good day people! 

  • p/s : -gemuk, i'm waiting.
  • -trying to adapt.
  • -we should be proud of our own country. like seriously.

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