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Thursday, August 26, 2010

LIKING SOMEONE IS HARD. y aku ckp cmni? hmm.. let juz say,aku dh tgk someone sad because liking someone so much. she looks so happy outside. mcm nothing happen. but deep within her,i know she's suffering. i tried. tried my best to be with her whenever she needs me. as a friend,i think aku perlu utk tolong dia. she's kinda crazy. satu kepala dgn aku. tp around her,ada satu dinding. sgt tinggi. she never let anyone pass dat kawasan. n aku as a normal human being harus respect kawasan tu. most of d time aku tgk dia,senyum aje. jarang nk moody ke apa. dat's y aku love being her friend. dia cool je. easy going. sporting. aku suka personality dia. alhamdulillah,she still wants to share her stories with me. i know,somewhere in her heart,dia declare aku as her friend.

so,back to d story dia suka someone no. hmm. someone ni hensem. mix la katakan. sgt hebat in talking n of coz,someone yg sgt educated. someone yg ada cita2 tinggi. n dis someone also berjaya buat dia 'hidup atas kayangan' buat seketika. indah kan dunia? someone ni pun sgt pandai buat dia happy.

but hidup x selalunya indah. when dia dh mula taruh harapan. someone ni mcm hilang je. jarang contact. dia saaaangat sedih. she never show it but i can see it. aku x tanya sebab aku tahu dia bukan yg jenis akan story. dia pretend dat dia happy but d truth is not. hebat dia cover feeling. aku pn xleh nk wat mcm tu.

byk benda yg aku nk tanya somebody tu klu aku ada kesempatan. y perlu he bg hope bila he sedar yg dia xkan dpt tunaikan hope tu? y does he has to give her dat kinda feeling when at last he's going to break her heart into pieces? y does he has to tossing around with her feeling n act like nothing happen? that is what we call JERK! dat guy is a JERK!!

n now. she's being someone new. she's on her way to forget him. even still sometimes,tersebut gak nama tu kat mulut. biasala,hati terkenang,mulut menyebut. aku x salahkan dia. we dont have to have any specific reason for liking someone. we just did.

p/s: kalau ko baca post ni. aku mintak maaf. aku hanya bg apa pendapat aku. sori klu ko x suka tp ni cara aku tunjukkan pe yg aku rasa. ko x salah bila ko suka dia. tp now aku nk sgt ko lupa dia. he's nothing but a pain. u deserve someone better than him. ditch him. find someone dat wil bring u straight to syurga. easier said than done. i know dat but i also know dat u can do dis. ko kuat. lg kuat dari aku. aku tau ko bleh buat. aku doakan ko yg terbaik. in dis world n there to come. go go go dear friend!

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